Is Lil Duval really locked up? lol

I can't even try to believe this until I find out who took these pics and how he got to keep his iPhone. Supposedly he was arrested after a warrant was issued for his failure to appear for a traffic viloation.

Check out his tweets lol
Retweet #freelilduval for a couple of days please Retweet #freelilduval for a couple of days please on Twitpic
7:58 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

I wish i was lyin RT @Akemi_Jazz: #freelilduval Lyin ass! ***** u aint tweetin from jail! @lilduval
7:55 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

My battery bout to die I knew I shouldve put my iPhone on the charger last night #freelilduval 4 a couple of days
7:52 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

#freelilduval 4 a couple of days I promise I'll turn myself in on the jan. 5th
7:38 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

Real talk I'm getting shipped to Florida for a warrant so I don't think there is no helping me
7:35 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

What the fuck is this they want me to eat? I think I'm bout to go on a fasting diet What the fuck is this they want me to eat? I think I'm bout t... on Twitpic
7:30 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

I don't think I'm getting out til after the holidays
7:23 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

Im too famous for this shit! Im too famous for this shit! on Twitpic
7:07 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas on Twitpic
6:40 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

I'm goin to jail call clay
6:37 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

I think I'm going to jail on Christmas eve FML I think I'm going to jail on Christmas eve FML on Twitpic
6:27 AM Dec 24th from Echofon

lil duval (lilduval) on Twitter


Nesia said…
omg lol is that the only bench they had to sit on??????? lol lol
Rosee said…
how real is this? lol

its like he's promoting Grand Hustle in the cell...and who took the pictures?!!!!

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