How ______ can you be?

Yeah Yeah Yeah...I'm glad Fantasia is ok whop tee do and all that well wishing ish but this ish right here^^^^ is saying a whole lot about this chick. Not only did she try and commit suicide a day after the news hit that this guy's wife was trying to sue her for breaking up her marriage but soon as she gets out she STAGES (yes I won't believe anything else) an encounter of the two (with herself looking very decent after an attempt of suicide) looking to have some type of serious conversation outside her home WITH photogs all up in her grill with her not even attemtping to have some privacy...yeah ok.

HELLLLLLLLLLO...this chick needs to be somewhere being evaluated not cleaning up or TRYING to clear up her image. She needs to be somewhere apologizing to her daughter and praying that she too will be well after knowing her selfish ass mother tried to kill herself. Now it may not have been this man and the situation she has put herself in or it could very well have been something else BUT she has a child NOTHING was that bad that she needed to take measures that far.

I pray this girl gets it together for her child's sake...


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