It's about dayum time!!!

Last night Jay Z came out to perform at the 2011 Adult Swim Upfront (this is how networks showcase their upcoming season) in NYC and also semi debuted his much needed hair cut. Yes, ladies and gentleman, Jay has gotten rid of the nappy ush bush that's he's been sporting for the last few months. If I were Beyonce I'd be mad as shit that he couldn't cut it for the MET Ball, even if it was due to his recording a week early wouldn't have made a difference.

Anywho, the event took place at the Roseland Ballroom with many of Jay's hip hop friends in attendance...there's a small buzz about Jay developing an animated series with the network, we shall see.

This dude right here!!!!! my scruffy boo!!!!
"getting minnnnnnnnnnnnnne..."

What the fuck does Fab have on?!!! I don't care who its by it should have never been put on...a brown sweatsuit!!!!
Would someone issue Benjamin Button Pharrell a dose of aging...he looks like he's 21!!! *side eye*

oh ok....are they married yet or still engaged?!!


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