Audio: Memphitz Responds To Domestic Abuse Allegations...Again.

I guess this time around Memphitz had the chance to be prepped for his response to singer/Love & Hip Hop Atlanta star K. Michelle's allegations that he whipped her ass and used her $2 million dollar advance money. Since the premiere he and his wife, Toya Wright,  have subliminally insinuated his innocence but Memphitzhas yet, until now, addressed the rumors head on.

Memphitz explained his side to TT Torez over at iPower 92.1.

Although I do believe Memphitz is coming off guilty I have to believe him when he says she K. Michelle didn't  get anywhere near $2 million dollars. I'm still trying to figure out who wasted $2 mil on her, and by waste I mean have nothing to show for project. Don't get me wrong the girl can blow but if someone is dropping 2 mil on your you would not be a co-star in a reality show about hip hop.

Anywho, hopefully this will  be the end of Memphitz and Toya Wright defending claims made by K. Michelle.  Next go around sue her for defamation and keep it moving if her claims are false. Labeling a man a "woman beater" is nothing to play with...if her allegations are false.


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