Mashonda...the reporter
I bet Swizz thought she would crumble and fall at the rise of his and Alicia's little fauxmance but noooo homegirl didn't miss a beast she has her own lil weekly section on called Pandora's Box...mmmm hmmm from singer to reporter lol
Mashonda's latest interview was with Fabolous' fiancé, Emily Bustamente.
Now I don't know if anyone more influential was busy but this out of pocket interview was semi entertaining. From the two girls laying on Emily's and Fab's bed (ugh) to Emily explaining how Fab invited her, her daughter and Yorkie to move in...I enjoyed myself reading this with a couple snickers in between.
If you're board and want to know more about Fab's fiance/stylist take a read...------> Pandora's Box
I would have liked this interview better had they mentioned Andrienne Bailon *snicker*