Oh really, Mr. Wade?

I am not one to question how someone does their job especially when its a skilled profession but WTF was Dwayne Wade's stylist,  Khaliliah Williams-Webb, thinking when she put him in this outfit?!!

Ummmm how old  is he?!! First of all, he doesn't look comfortable in Craig Sager's blazer nor those narrow fit Ocho Cinco inspired sneakers, but what's up with the Soulja Boy swag? He looks as if he wants me to THINK that he's feeling himself but I know better. Why would Khalilah put him in this, by taking away those Tylenols on his feet would have done the outfit a little justice but he still looks too trendy. I swear I am in the wrong profession.

Hell, I would have understood some concealer and powder on his forehead before this ensemble.


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