Save The Date: Rihanna Sits Down With Oprah

Oprah's OWN network, still in survival mode, is set to air a sit down with the Queen of Talk and Rihanna on their Next Chapter series on August 19th at 9pm.

I really can't wait to see this sit down. Oprah has openly discussed her disgust for domestic violence and women who go back to their abusers. Once stating on an abuse episode of her Oprah Winphrey show soon after Rihanna's reported physical altercation with Chris Brown, "If you go back with a man who hits you, it's because you don't think you're worthy of being with a man who won't. I've said before, 'Love doesn't hurt, and if a man hits you once, he will hit you again."

I know the questions regarding Rihanna forgiving Chris will come quick and hard as well as a few about Rihanna's personal life. Oprah may or may not feel this child is living in the fast line but she definitely knows there are a few of us out here who do so the questions must be asked.

"Rihanna, do you smoke reffa?"


imonme said…
This has officially been added to my calendar! I'm excited!! Mainly bc I KNOW Ms. Winfrey will not leave one stone unturned!!
Rosee said…
I'm hoping Rihanna's responses are as blunt (lol) as her actions.

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