Dwight Howard Has No Control of His House...Nor Women.

Dwight can't pull out Howard has all his personal business on the world wide web this morning all because his kids' mothers' don't know how to keep what happens in his house in his house.

Case and point: Royce Reed the mother of Dwight Howard's son Braylon  and Dwight's newest claim to the fatherhood/relationship status Christine Vest exchanged words and a whole lot of business via Twitter yesterday because reportedly Royce couldn't get in touch with her son who is with his father at this time.

Look at this messy yet highly entertaining bullshit.

Oh hell no....


The only thing they forgot to dish on was Dwight's social.

I understand Royce is mad because she is alleging that Dwight has her son without his medication and she has no idea where the boy is but the public can't help you. Contact the authorities and stay in communication with the courts or an attorney but  NOT Twitter.

And when did Dwight start claiming all these kids? Royce outed 6 other women via Twitter not too long ago who she claims to all women Dwight has fathered children with not including herself and Christine. It's stunts like that that cause people like Dwight to act out although he is still in the wrong. Maybe had she not done the Twitter reveal she wouldn't be in the case today.

I knew there were rumors of bundles of baby mamas, hell too many not to be true, but I didn't know he was claiming all these kids and allowing his kids' mothers to act as such on a social networks. What happened to the days of Royce mentioning Dwight or Braylon resulting in a lawsuit?

This is tacky...too tacky for a professional athlete who can't pull out. Hell all parties are tacky and should focus their time to more pressing issues not Twitter disputes and reveals.


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