K. Michelle Enlisted To "Help" The Women Of 'Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood'
Straight from K. Michelle's mouth has came confirmation that the singer will appear on VH1's Love & Hip Hop: Hollywood. K is no stranger to the franchise having appeared on the New York and Atlanta series shows as well as the working relationship she has with the show creator Mona Scott Young who happens to also co-manage her singing career.
Anywho, I will admit I was a bit stunned by this news AT FIRST being as though K. Michelle as of this week has her own reality show appearing on VH1 but after reading K's statement about her appearance on the show I think differently.
“There are lot of women on there who are at a place that I was in. I just think it’s really good, I feel like, for me to go in and talk to those women and offer a shoulder,” K.Michelle said during a VH1.com Google Hangout.
K is good for ratings and the women of LHHH need her help in carrying a scripted show. K being on television furthers her brand including her staying power and Mona Scott Young needs ALL her business endeavors to succeed...as well as K. Michelle's.
In other words...K needs to take one for the team and help these ladies while helping herself as well.